The Labour management It is one of the most sensitive issues in an organization. Must be able to materialize its Labour policy while remaining attentive to the full compliance with many provisions, mainly from the Labour Law, to which it is subject. Our accompaniment is designed to anticipate and manage situations that may arise, adopting special flexibility to walk together on whatever each moment demands.
Undoubtedly Payrolls and Social Security represent the central focus of the Labour management, Proper preparation is the first and essential step. But first the Procurement intervenes again its necessary to suit primarily the needs of the organization and complies with the provisions that may affect it.
Afterwards our experience tells us that the organization must maintain at all times an attitude oriented Prevention of the labour conflict, we are with it in that and also, during it, when it has not been possible to avoid it. Occupational Risk Prevention is another area where perseverance and care is vital.
Our support provides an active willingness to minimize the possibility of intervention of the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate our task is that these bodies should never deal with the organizations with which we walk.
We also note that given its impact we have developed extensive experience in the field of foreigner.

Payrolls and Social Security

We develop holistically Payroll and Social Security management.
In the payroll we add to its realization, the issuance of cost assessment list, the highs / variations / low of people, the monitoring of casualties, the framing of partners and administrators, as well as advice on pensions.
Regarding the contribution to Social Security, in addition to its calculation and preparation, we take the correct direct debit of the payment as well as the management of deferments of fees and resources for debt claim.
Naturally, we deal with advice on personal income tax (IRPF) and its return.


Correct hiring greatly reduces changes of conflict, while helping to optimize both the cost over the life of the contract and that may occur at the end the employment relationship.
Hiring is the first step in development of good labour management.

Conflict prevention Labour

Our support is permanently aimed at the prevention and avoidance of the labour dispute, always considering that the conflict is better than ever does occur.
However, we act quickly and firmly if the conflict has become inevitable. We will also be at that time.

Occupational Risk Prevention

We collaborate actively and permanently with the Occupational Risk Prevention Entity that the organization has chosen.
We provide a service and advisory perspective to the Prevention of Occupational Risks.

Labour and social security inspections

We accompany our endeavours in the development of proper labour management in all its aspects.
Our goal is to keep the organizations we walk together, with a rate of virtually zero inspections as a result of mismanagement.


The contracts that we can consider within the concept of “foreigners” are subject to very specific conditions.
We have developed more than important experience in this particular field of hiring.